Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Christkindlmarkt Photo Story

Oh it's almost December, and how do we crazy Germans celebrate that? Of course, with christmas markets (in Bavaria better known as Christkindlmärkte).
Only purpose of those things: drink and eat as much as you can so you don't feel the cold air around you anymore. (Well ok, to be fair there are also little booths where you're supposed to buy christmas ornaments and stuff like that. But who does that really? I know I don't.)

Here are a few pictures that I took today when me, my friend Nina and my dad (I know you all love him) went to the Christkindlmarkt in the small town that I grew up in.


  1. It really does look cold there. Ooooh now I want pizza! Hope you're enjoying your Sunday night Kiwi :o)

  2. what were you eating!? what were you drinking?! when will i expect to get my own in the mail?! soo per maw duls!

  3. How come your best pictures have you eating or drinking something?!

  4. How nice! I am assuming this is still outside when the pictures were taken? So cold you don't need ice cubes in your drink, eh?

  5. How cold do you have it down there? We`ve got -9 degrees celcius here in North-Norway

  6. @Hilde It's only around 0 Celcius now, pretty mild. Hope you're having a great night/day whenever you read this :)

  7. i want that drink!!!!
    i miss munich.

  8. just popped in to thank you again for the new learn german video!

    i'm katana8891 on youtube, but I don't have any videos for your entertainment, so sorry. Kbyethanx
